- What does self-care mean to me?
- What 3 things am I doing right now that don’t serve me?
- Which self-care habits have the biggest impact?
- How can I stay focused on my self-care?
- I need to forgive myself for…
- How is my morning routine? Am I focused on getting my self-care in first? What changes need to be made to make my morning routine more consistent?
- What are my top 3 goals for the next 3 months? And why are those my goals?
- What can I do to make my home a place I love to be?
- How can I make movement and exercise a part of each day?
- What areas do others see me as an expert in?
- What makes me laugh regularly?
- What 3 things can I do to help calm myself on a stressful day?
- What habit do I need to stop?
- If money and time were no issue, what would I do?
- If I could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and why?
- What will I do when I start to notice negative self-talk?
- What do I like about myself?
- What is my favourite quote and why?
- What hobby would I like to learn and why?
- What is my dream vacation and why?
- What things drain my energy?
- What activities fill my cup?
- What is weighing heaviest on my mind today?
- Where do I see myself in 5 years in terms of my career/family/life?
- What was my favourite vacation I ever took and why?
- When have I felt most successful this year?
- Do I have any irrational fears?
- Who are my favourite people in my life (outside of my family) and why?
- What stops me from reaching my goals? What can I do about it?
- How I can be more productive?

Feel free to sign up to my Friday Morning Love Note HERE! This isn’t just a newsletter - it’s your invitation to pause, reflect, and realign with you. Every week, we’ll journey together to uncover the small, meaningful shifts that will help you design a life that feels uniquely and beautifully yours. Each week, I’ll deliver fresh intentions, uplifting tips, and simple shifts to inspire purposeful, creative living.