Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

My Best Practices to Live a Well-Designed Life

My Best Practices to Live a Well-Designed Life

I am keeping it simple and going straight to the point today! Below I am sharing my best practices to Live a Well-Designed Life: Practice gratitude daily, even if it’s simply for the air you breathe. Exercise. Daily, find time for meditation or devotion. Visualise the outcomes you want to experience. Put a glass of …

Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

How to Stay in the Present Moment

How to Stay in the Present Moment

You may have previously heard about the several advantages of thinking in the present moment. The numerous mental pressures do not disturb you when you live in the present. If you’ve ever tried to stay in the present for an extended amount of time, however, you’ll discover that your mind wanders to your past and …

Personality, Character & Self-Discovery Quality of Life

Level up your mindset to level up your life

Level up your mindset to level up your life

Meditation First of all… there is no wrong or right way to meditate, the aim of the game is to relax your mind. Struggling to still your mind, try lighting a candle, getting comfortable and breathing evenly in and out while you focus on the candle flame. Journaling A great way to work through your …

'Live a Well-Designed Life' Podcast

PODCAST: My Interview for the Rise Up Rooted Global Wellness Symposium

Live a Well-Designed Life Podcast

I was delighted to be one of 20 featured speakers at The 2022 Rise Up Rooted Spring Wellness Symposium, designed to give busy people practical ways to lean into the healing power of the Earth in challenging times. I talked about the importance of living a slow, simple & intentional life in sync with the …

Live a Well-Designed Life Personality, Character & Self-Discovery

The Key to SELF ACCEPTANCE? Stop trying to fit in!

The Key to SELF ACCEPTANCE Stop trying to fit in

Everything gets just so much easier when you start to accept yourself. And I’m talking about all of you. Your strengths, your weirdness, your beauty, your flaws, your vulnerability. All of your quirks that make you – YOU! Why is this so important? Cause you can’t fail at being you. When you own to be …

Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

11 Easy Ways to Uncomplicate Your Life

Let’s start off here with a simple question: What does your perfect day look and feel like? Visualising your perfect day is important not necessarily because it will be a recurring reality, but because it’s crucial to understand what a simple life – or an “uncomplicated life” – really means to you. And it’s different …