Daily Dose of Inspiration

3 rules that help anyone feel more put-together

Daily Dose of Inspiration

Although being an ‘adult’ looks different for everyone, feeling like you’ve got your s**t together is something we can all benefit from. And sometimes, the key is weaving small realistic “housekeeping” tasks into your day-to-day self-care routine.  Keep a running list of your work (and life!) accomplishments, both large and small. This way, you have …

Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

How to do a Life cleanse when entering a new Season

How to do a Life cleanse when entering a new Season

During transitions between any season, it is an ideal time to sit back and reflect on what may be out of balance in our lives, then take steps to restore that balance. A new season can be the perfect time to detox your mind, re-energise your routine and mindset, and assess what in your life …

Daily Dose of Inspiration

6 things to do at the end of the week to ensure a stress-free weekend

Daily Dose of Inspiration

Do your less-than-fun chores on Thursday evening or Friday morning so you head into the weekend feeling unburdened Before you quit work for the week, make a to-do list for Monday morning so you don’t have to think about it until then Change out of your version of – work clothes – and into your …