Live a Well-Designed Life

Deciding where I want to put my energy into in 2020

So we are now 12 days into 2020 and I am slowly, but surely getting back to ”’normal’. This has had me thinking about doing something different this year alongside my goals and visions – and that is to decide where I want to put my energy into in 2020 and these are the things to help focus my energy into positivity rather than negativity to help lead a happier life.

Visioning My 2020
RELATED: Visioning My 2020

Health & Nutrition

For the last couple of years, I have no doubt changed the way I see and consume food. Not only have I changed my diet and eat way healthier than I ever have, but I also did a course in Nutrition, Superfoods and Wellbeing to up my knowledge and make better decisions for when it comes to what we put into our bodies on a daily basis. Oh… and I am really thinking of rejoining the gym – the gym is opening at a new location and will have a sauna (!) which is something I have really been longing for.

Deciding where I want to put my energy into in 2019

Fashion & Beauty

Over the years, have kind of let myself go. I don’t nearly as much effort as should do when it comes to my appearance. I’ve got a wardrobe full of seasonal clothes (capsule wardrobe style) that I love (I even invested in blush velvet hangers!) plus a beautiful (minimal) collection of make-up and skincare. I just need to be better at using all my beautiful things every day!

Deciding where I want to put my energy into in 2019

Connect with Nature

Nothing puts life into perspective more than being disconnected and watching nature. The more I do it, the more I love and appreciate it. Walking in the woods, watching the birds, and listening to the sounds of Mother Nature is pure bliss and not to forget therapeutic.

Expand my knowledge

I want to get into the habit of listening to my favourite podcasts daily and read one book a week – that’s doable, right?

Having the Courage to Invest in Yourself
RELATED: Having the Courage to Invest in Yourself

Do more of what makes me come and feel alive

I want to do more of what makes me happy, come and feel alive and can assure you these are very simple things; long walks, watch Sex & the City, cook & eat, give my home TLC, go to the movies, read, listen to music, a cup of tea with clotted ream shortbreads, bake a cake, de-clutter and organise – the list is endless.

Deciding where I want to put my energy into in 2019

A goal of mine in 2020 is to just stop the bad habits and create new healthy habits and most importantly; living a slow, simple, intentional life along with the seasons.

What are the things you plan to put more of your energy into in 2020?


I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

(2) Comments

  1. […] to do this from time to time. That’s why it’s very important to understand where you allocate your energy. Get into the habit of asking yourself […]

  2. […] year has been my most intentional year yet. I’ve been very intentional about who, where and what I give my energy to,  been more mindful in my daily life, I’ve done things wholeheartedly. The intentions I set […]

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